You deserve the skin of your dreams.
It is always suggested to start your skincare journey with a consultation so that your skin is properly assessed and cleared for clinical treatments. During the consult we’ll discuss your skin history, skin condition, and skin goals. From there, we can put together a treatment plan that will address all of your concerns.
In Clinic Consultation
During the consult we’ll discuss your skin history, skin condition, skin goals and lifestyle habits. A full assessment and cleansing will be performed. Full treatment is not included
*All new clients must have a consultation. Cost will be for any product purchase or for service providers time if no purchase
Who should book this?
It is always suggested to start your skincare journey with a consultation so that your skin is properly assessed and cleared for clinical treatments.
How should I prepare for a consultation?
To ensure that we have accurate information about your skins history/condition and your skin is treatment ready, we require the following:
1. Have a picture or list of ALL of the products you are currently using.
2. Fill out your client intake form prior to your appointment.
3. Stop the use of any "active" skincare (retinol, salicylic, and glycolic) 3 days prior to appointment.
4. Avoid waxing the treated area 1 week prior and laser 2 weeks prior.
5. Avoid exfoliating, shaving or tweezing treated area 24-48 hours prior.
6. No accutane within past year.
7. Make sure your last facial or botox was more than 2 weeks ago.
8. Avoid tanning 1 week prior.
30 min
Virtual Skin Coaching
During the in depth consultation via Zoom, we will discuss your skin health + goals and curate a full skincare regimen that will be shipped to you.
$50 will go towards product credit.
Who should book this?
For those who need professional guidance in achieving their skin goals but are unable to come in person.
How should I prepare for a consultation?
48 hours prior to our scheduled appointment:
+ Fill out your client intake form prior to your appointment.
+ Please email 3 well lit photos of face - front, left side & right side - to info@skinhancedbysh.com.
+ On the day of our meeting, please have with you ALL of the products you are currently using on your face.
Once I receive your pictures and completed intake form, I will email you a link.
Keep in mind that the time zone will be Eastern Standard Time.
30 min